Organic Skinless Boneless Breast 有机无皮无骨鸡胸肉 - 500g
Organic Whole Leg 有机全鸡腿 - 500g
Organic Thigh 有机鸡腿肉 - 500g
Organic Drumstick 有机鸡腿 - 500g
Organic Chicken Chop 有机鸡翅排 - 500g
Organic Wings 有机鸡翅膀 - 500g
Organic Half Chicken 有机半只鸡 (Cut 6pcs) 450g-600g
Certified Poultry Supplier In Singapore
Organic Chicken Farms
Kee Song always explores innovative solutions to ethical rearing of poultry to improve the environment through our sustainable and eco-friendly practices. In 2017, our poultry farms fulfilled requirements from the Ministry of Agriculture Agro-based Industry Malaysia and were awarded MyOrganic Certification.
Organic Chickens Are Fed With Lactobacillus
Lactobacillus, or friendly bacteria, is a natural way of combating harmful bacteria. With a more advanced lactobacillus technology, stronger strains were especially cultured for Lacto Chicken, enhancing their immune system the natural way. It is introduced into the diet of chickens reared in a controlled environment under the strict supervision of a team of selected and qualified professionals.